Grade-Level Content Standards
Third Grade
Third grade is a year of great change for kids! They are full of energy and are often in a hurry! Their enthusiasm is magical and contagious! Third graders play hard, but tire easily and can often be overzealous, taking on more than they are able to handle. At this age(8-9), students learn well by doing, for example, with manipulatives and other hands-on activities. Exaggerated story-telling using elaborate words is typical of this age group.
Social and emotional strategies/skills include:
Works collaboratively in groups and contributes to the group effort.
Explores fairness and justice with differences of opinion
Adjusts better to change, showing signs of an easygoing personality
Takes more risks and recovers from mistakes or problems more quickly
Enjoys friendship groups with mostly same gender friends.
Foundational English Language Acquisition(ELA) Skills include:
- Answer inference questions from text
- Use text evidence to support statements
- Write multiple (3 or more) well formed paragraphs on a topic with sensory details and transitions, correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar
- Identify main idea, theme, message, and purpose with text evidence for fables, legends, myths, poems, and non-fiction reading
- Identify expository text features (e.g. table of contents, glossary, index, captions, maps, diagrams, etc.)
Foundational Math Skills include:
- Read, write and say numbers up to 100,000
- Memorize multiplication and division facts through 12
- Understand, solve, and explain 2 step word problems using all four operations
- Understand the foundational skills of fractions using multiple representations
- Compute multi-digit addition and subtraction problems up to 10,000
- Understand the attributes of shapes in different categories
- Use measuring tools to calculate length, width, height, area, and volume
- Tell time to the nearest minute
Tips for Parents of 3rd Grade Students:
- Give praise and recognition to your child
- Set aside time for your child to talk and explain their ideas
- Encourage your child so socialize in groups as feasible
- Encourage cooperation over competition in group tasks
- Help your child compartmentalize stressful things like school tests
- Write directions out for your child to follow (eg morning/bedtime routines)